
The Russian Vaccine Has The Best Efficacy Results But They Are Not Talking About it!The Russian vaccine “Sputnik V”

Almost all the world's leading media outlets wrote about the success of Sputnik V. And the influential business news agency Bloomberg called the Russian vaccine "the favorite in the fight against the pandemic." Moreover, more and more countries are announcing the possibility of its production on their territory. Some publications have already reported that the development of the Gamalei Institute may receive a green light in the European Union in February. The EU's top diplomat at the talks in Moscow mentioned the success of Russian scientists. The Bloomberg calls Sputnik a favorite in the global fight against the coronavirus and perhaps the most significant scientific breakthrough since the Soviet times. Countries are lining up for the vaccine. The new data that Merkel, Macron, and Borrel are talking about is the publication of the results of the third phase of research on the Sputnik V vaccine in the authoritative medical journal The Lancet. Interim...

The Poor Fighting Against Each Other Whilst Being Robbed By The Rich [Kim Cousins]

This pandemic has certainly brought out the best and worst in people. If you work in retail you will have experienced the worst. We the working class have, for decades, been at each other's throats, the end product of decades of neoliberalism, which preaches the gospel of competition, the fight for economic and social survival.  It proposes that consumerism is for the good of all, the bedrock of prosperity and success, and so we have all been frantically grasping for money to buy the newest vision of the same old shit, to get one over on our fellow man/woman, for prestige and recognition, and all for what? All we have been doing is fighting amongst ourselves whilst the ruling class has been sitting back rubbing their hands in glee as they survey their finances and allow us to fight amongst ourselves. We are being systematically robbed blind whilst our attention has been diverted by endless created distractions, our civil liberties are being eroded and we are enslaved by...

A Time of Trial (143) [Craig Murray]. This is how a state uses its powers to crush those who fight for the rights of others.

Craig Murray Historian, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist A Time of Trial 143 Just about ready for my trial for contempt of court tomorrow; signing off a final affidavit in a minute. It is really difficult to get my head round the fact that I could very soon be jailed for up to two years for writing about the conspiracy to fit up Alex Salmond and reporting honestly and carefully on his trial, and face an “unlimited” fine. One feature of the pre-trial hearings and rulings has been the Crown refusing to disclose documentary evidence, and refusing to allow my witnesses. It seems they are trying to get me convicted with no courtroom drama and as little said as possible. I have at this moment very little idea even of what evidence I shall be permitted to give myself from the (virtual) dock. I have, however, sworn on oath two affidavits, and the text of these will be published tomorrow on this blog, (redacted for jigsaw identification) once I adopt my evidence in court...

Breaking: The UK had a record breaking 1,564 preventable covid deaths today.

Breaking: The UK had a record breaking   1,564 preventable covid deaths  today. Totally preventable. The powerful media operating on than nation does its fair share in manipulating the citizens to blame the citizens, or China or Russia for everything instead of turning against the elephant in the room, their corrupt racist government led by non other racist in chief Boris Johnson courtesy: The Guardian  How many deaths  in: New Zealand? 0. Vietnam? 0. Australia? 0. Taiwan? 0. A propagandised brainwashed British citizen will try and argue against these successes by all these other countries. A nation when faced with massive Covid Pandemic related tendering and procurement corruption, they will find alternative words to describe this. They will avoid to use the Corruption, they just cannot believe their leaders are corrupt, they think it can only be South Americans, Africans, and Arabs who that word can be applied on #covid19UK #COVID19 #COVID...

When A Real Leader Speaks: Angela Merkel Finds Twitter Halt Of Donald Trump Account "Problematic"

Angela Merkel Finds Twitter Halt Of Donald Trump Account "Problematic" She said that lies or incitement to violence were also "very problematic", but that the path to dealing with them should be for the state to draw up a legal regulatory framework. Berlin, Germany :  German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes that the decision by social media giants to permanently suspend Donald Trump's accounts is problematic because freedom of opinion should not be determined by such online platform bosses, her spokesman said Monday. "The fundamental right to freedom of opinion is a fundamental right of elementary importance, and this fundamental right can be interfered with, but through the law and within the framework defined by the legislature, not according to the decision of the management of social media platforms," said Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert. "From this point of view, the Chancellor considers it problematic that the accounts o...

Five UK Police Officers Sacked For Gross Racism

BREAKING: "Five police officers from ‘toxic’ unit sacked for racist, homophobic and sexist behaviour" [The Independent] "... They were heard comparing a black police officer to a mixed-breed dog, referring to women as “sugar tits” and “sluts”, saying Albanian nationals should be shot and that “illegal immigrants deserve the death penalty”....." And this went on for years. It was only stopped when one officer "bugged" the unit by recording the conversations on their phone. That's all it took, no massive sting operation, it only needed one person to put their phone on record and turn these people in. You are probably wondering why and how did it take years before someone actually did that. Not one police officer went through those station doors and thought ".. this ain't alright , I should do something about this"? Literally hundreds of police will have worked there over the years and decided they were fine with that. It...

Trump and Capitol Hill Protests: LESSONS FOR AFRICANS

Whenever small nations have social unrest rightly or wrongly, , the social media media  cash in on them and step in as if to  protect what they deem as freedom of expression. Many countries have to block or restrict internet to douse the fire when the social media owners refuse to yield. Last night Trump used social media that translated into chaos in America. The country is by no means a beacon of democracy itself. Its a self serving authoritarian corporate oligarchy military industrial complex that has burned down the world for over 250 years. The country erupted by the sheer  power of social media mobilisation from Trump and his anarchist supporers. What did The social media giants  do? They blocked or locked various accounts including that of their president Trump in a bid to douse the tension and halt the spread of chaos in their country. To us in Africa, we are always thinking they stand for freedom and they are protecting us. But these companies are only ...