The Poor Fighting Against Each Other Whilst Being Robbed By The Rich [Kim Cousins]
This pandemic has certainly brought out the best and worst in people. If you work in retail you will have experienced the worst. We the working class have, for decades, been at each other's throats, the end product of decades of neoliberalism, which preaches the gospel of competition, the fight for economic and social survival.
It proposes that consumerism is for the good of all, the bedrock of prosperity and success, and so we have all been frantically grasping for money to buy the newest vision of the same old shit, to get one over on our fellow man/woman, for prestige and recognition, and all for what? All we have been doing is fighting amongst ourselves whilst the ruling class has been sitting back rubbing their hands in glee as they survey their finances and allow us to fight amongst ourselves. We are being systematically robbed blind whilst our attention has been diverted by endless created distractions, our civil liberties are being eroded and we are enslaved by debt.
Our country is falling apart and we are all complicit in its destruction. When are we going to wake up and direct our anger, frustration, and hatred ( yes hatred) towards the real culprits, our corrupt political system, and all those who are using our money for personal gain?
The government is paid by us to serve us but it seems that we pay them to serve themselves. Can you not see what is going on? What are you going to do about it?
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