
Showing posts from May, 2021

CHINA VS. USA - A TWO-PRONGED Counterattack? [Thomas Polin & Denis Lian]

Is China planning a double-barreled Big Bang for the American Empire? The CPC leadership is normally cautious and strongly attached to stability as well as win-win outcomes. But such an approach towards the US and its vassals has only drawn ever more vicious and underhanded attacks in the past few years. Two fronts seem to be opening up, pointing to drama down the road. The first is that China may be behind an unfolding spike in the price of steel and rare earths (plus other strategic commodities). The country is the world’s dominant producer of both steel (55%) and rare earths (80%) -- as well as the biggest consumer of many other commodities. As the post below explains, Beijing is no longer willing to supply the Western economies with relatively inexpensive steel and rare earths, largely because of the Empire’s relentless hostility. The likely result is inflation, even high inflation, in the COVID-damaged Western economies, now propped up largely by the endless printing o...

Thomas Sankara on Imperialist Financial Debt Traps

“Debt is neo-colonialism, in which colonizers have transformed themselves into “technical assistants.” We should rather say “technical assassins.” They present us with financing, with financial backers. As if someone’s backing could create development. We have been advised to go to these lenders. We have been offered nice financial arrangements. We have been indebted for 50, 60 years and even longer. That means we have been forced to compromise our people for over 50 years.” - Thomas Sankara, ‘A United Front Against Debt’


Britain has never been weaker since its Empire began going downhill more than a century ago. Brexit has left it shaken and uncertain about the future. And London’s domestic, mini-empire may be about to unravel, imperiled by secessionist forces in Scotland, Northern Ireland and perhaps even Wales. Yet Whitehall has seldom sounded more belligerent and warlike on the international scene. Ferociously shit-talking both Russia and China have been its three upfront faces: PM BoJo, foreign affairs boss Raab and defense honcho Wallace. They have dispatched a carrier task force to the “Far East” to intimidate China. And not a day seems to pass without some ominous warning directed at Russia (story below). They appear to have morphed into US-style neocons. What on earth can London’s Three Stooges be up to? Surely they understand that to speak loudly and carry a small stick is not an effective way to achieve anything … or do they? [Thomas Polin] Article: Russia is ‘number 1 adversa...

This episode of Real Talk China with the author of Richard Turrin’s book “Cashless” is a must watch.

Will this also help countries sanctioned by US?  Snce the establishment of SWIFT after WWII, the Banksters have been gouging all countries and people through SWIFT。They rob countries doing trade like credit cards rob us with their high transaction costs to merchants who simply past the cost onto us.  The US Empire’s control of SWIFT also means it can steal money from countries like Venezuela with a few taps on the keyboard and recognizing a puppet like Guido as the president. China’s Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC will offer a very, very low cost alternative.  In the same way that Chinese merchants don’t have to pay credit card companies for purchases when transactions are done through Alipay, international trade done through China’s digital yuan will also be next to nothing.  This will be the basis of international trade along BRI.  There is an entirely new logistics infrastructure behind the CBDC and 5G plays a big part.  The US has never ...

The US Isn’t An Israel Puppet, Israel Isn’t A US Puppet: It’s One Empire [Caitlin Johnstone

Listen To This Article     Nearly 200,000 protesters attended a pro-Palestine demonstration in Central London on Saturday afternoon, another clear sign that support for Palestinian rights is becoming increasingly mainstream and the imperialists are losing control of the Israel narrative. The real consequence of this is that people will begin losing trust in the government and media institutions which support Israel, because without trust the empire can't propagandize people, and without the ability to propagandize us our rulers cannot rule.  There's no risk for Israel of losing US backing due to the US government suddenly evolving a conscience or listening to its constituents, that won't happen, but losing control of the narrative poses a major problem for the empire. Someone's image is going to have to change, and those changes could end up benefiting Palestinians. We're already seeing this narrative management campaign come into play as mainstr...

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin Launch a Joint Nuclear Power Project

The convergence of two supper powers as Chinese president Xi Jinping and Russian president Putin launch a joint nuclear power project with the construction of 4 nuclear reactors in China powered Russian third generation nuclear technology which has potential to shift the strategic balance of power and help Russia test its new nuclear technology outside its borders. The two countries are neighbors and are also the second and third most powerful countries in the world when you go by military might although there's one link which is missing in order for Asian century to be attained or if the  complete strategic balance of power is to  change from US led Western countries to China-Russia- India led which is India. The three countries of China, Russia and India which are linked by land borders can for sure dramatically change the status quo if they so one time decided to cooperate although it remains to be seen if India can accept the rising of China not as a threat but...

I Operated America's Criminal Rackets on 3 Continents - General Smedley D. Butler

Then as now, “War is a Racket”.  America has expanded the reach of its racketeering to span the globe. The change will not come from within.  “I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street.  I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil wen...

US Presidents Are Always Evil Because The US Empire Is Evil: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix [Caitlin Johnstone]

Listen to this article: Joe Biden is a corrupt, murderous empire lackey. He is also a very normal US president. The same was true of Trump. The same was true of Obama. The same was true of Bush. If you can't see this, it's because propaganda and partisan politics have warped your perception of reality. US presidents will always be evil because the US empire is evil and only evil people will be allowed to participate in its operation. By far the single most important job of a US president is to take responsibility for decisions on empire management that would have been made regardless of who is in office, whether Democrat or Republican or tuna fish sandwich. Their job is to provide the illusion of democracy, letting you feel as though you "voted out" the perceived perpetrators of various misdeeds while leaving the actual power structure responsible for those misdeeds fully intact.  It's like rectifying a corporation's misdeeds by firing the secretar...

UK Openly Becoming A Fascist Authoritarian State: Would You Have Complied in Hitler's 1930's Germany?

If History teaches us anything, it is that we don't learn, from other peoples mistakes. Unfortunately it seems to be a fact of life that a vast proportion of populations are very easily swayed and indoctrinated.    And the U.K. does not seem to be immune.  Quite the reverse.  Nazi Germany was well before our time.  But even I can see parallels  from that era.  Remember  if we don't learn from history  then we are all doomed to repeat it. Those in power appear not to have any desire to learn from the past and their arrogance dictates their beliefs and actions that they all know better than the rest of us. With great power, comes great responsibility.  Yet in their arrogance it is never ever of their own doing  always the fault of other people. Ask yourself this, have you ever seen a humble  dictator, one who will admit to the people that he has got it wrong. Of course not ,as that will make him appear wea...

China Not Amused by EU's White Supremacist Vote on The Long Awaited Trade Deal, The CAI.

Supremacist, racist ideologues in the European Parliament seem determined to take after Donald Trump's Art of the Boomerang. Their ideological posturing will end up hurting themselves more than China.  Also, they are demanding the definitive colonial privilege: the right to slap the Native and expect the Native to turn the other cheek.  They are plainly unaware it's now the 21st century, not the 19th.  A response from Beijing (editorial below):  "The conditions imposed by the European Parliament for resuming ratification process are rough and arrogant. It demands that 'China lift the sanctions before Parliament can deal with the CAI.' These sanctions imposed by China are actually countermeasures against the EU's sanctions over Chinese officials and entities.  "There is no way China will lift those sanctions under pressure from the European Parliament. The European Parliament said in the motion that it 'calls on the Commission to use the deb...

Trumps Win Was A NO Brainer ! A Big Fat Middle Finger To A Part of The Establishment !

The bottom line is we are fed up by the establishment corruption strangling our "democratic ideals" . I look back to the end of April 2016, back then a US presidential election victory by Donald Trump was the remotest of all possibilities according to all my peers and of course mainstream politics and mainstream media. I have never liked Trump on a personal basis but appreciated his achievements. There was no doubt in my mind following Brexit that this man who divides so much opinion would win the US election.  The problem for a lot of people who are bemused by his victory is that they have no means, time or cannot be bothered to appraise the choreographed sleek propaganda that is churned out relentlessly 24/7 by the mainstream media. That is their only source of information. I gave up on mainstream media a long time ago, the condescending bias has become so blatant to be classified as arrogant conditioning and misinformation. Twitter became my mainstay of balanci...

Zimbabweans Pour Scorn At Coup President Emmerson Mnangagwa For Commissioning A Badly Sculptured Statue of Mbuya Nehanda

Zimbabwean Netizens are enmeshed in a euphoric internet brouhaha reacting to the unveiling of the supposedly artifact meant to be a prototype of the representation of  our bonafide foremother - Mbuya Nehanda.  Is it by happenstance or by design that the sculptor is a male horny devil? Palpably, to quench, extinguish his inherent sexual titillation,  he mischievously hyperbolized our iconic foremother’s buttocks, unbelievably inflated her bosom. He fetishizes on big buttocks and big bosom . More disturbingly, in lieu of accurately portraying her as a dark skinned women that she was ; the horny devil mendaciously administered bleaching agents on our foremother . Consequently, we are presented with a Slay Queen, yellow bone as a prototype of a representation of our history. Ironically and symbolically, our foremother passionately fought against such intellectual laziness, nincompoopery during her epoch .  The historicity of Mbuya Nehanda is very clear . She ...

So Called Iconic New "Blue" British Passport blue Post-Brexit Made By a French-Dutch company in Poland [CNN]

UK unveils 'iconic,' blue post-Brexit passports, made by a French-Dutch company in Poland [CNN]  Prime Minister Boris Johnson had previously praised the color change as a "wonderful thing" and bemoaned his "sense of personal loss and outrage" when the UK's previous blue passports were "taken away" in 1988. What neither mentioned, however, was that the new passports are being made by the Franco-Dutch firm Gemalto at its site in Tczew, Poland. Brexiteers have frequently painted the move as a way to reclaim British identity and freedom from the EU, while Remainers saw it as a petty and inward-looking obsession. The country prints new passports every few years, and the contract to make the new blue items was won by Gemalto in 2018 after it beat out British company De La Rue. At the time, Conservative MP Priti Patel called the decision "disgraceful...

Nearly 50,000 back campaign for the north of England to join Scotland

A CAMPAIGN for the north of England to join Scotland has attracted nearly 50,000 signatures. The petition first drawn up during the Scottish independence referendum gained a new lease of life since the General Election with 5000 signing up within four days of the Conservatives winning a House of Commons majority in the election.

Many Countries Tired of US Aggression Are Coming To Defend The UN Charter

A Must read and important article by Dan Kovalik: "Disparate nations have come together to defend the UN Charter and rein in US aggression across the world – & not a moment too soon." Most of the countries bashed and attacked daily by Western governments and mainstream media are “sanctioned” by the #US. “Now, a bloc of nations calling themselves "Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations" (hereinafter, “The Group”) has united to try to revitalize the anti-war essence of the UN Charter. This group, representing a huge portion of the world’s population, includes Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Algeria, Angola, Belarus, Bolivia, Cambodia, Cuba, Eritrea, Laos, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Syria, Venezuela and the Palestinians. “

Patrice Lumumba Was Never Shot and Killed. He Was EXECUTED by Belgium, United Nations and CIA.

Patrice Lumumba "Neither brutality nor cruelty nor torture will never bring me to ask for mercy,for I Prefer to die with my head unbowed" Point of correction, Lumumba was never shot and killed...he was EXECUTED by Belgium and United Nations CIA. These people will never tell our story the way it happened  That why Congo be came fail nation till today day, the resources have been expoiltiedfor their stupidity, and their heart less betrayal of the wisdom man Patrick lumumba ,Rest in peace Jaiteh Kaba Jaiteh I agree, this sort of thing happened all over the world, and we could blame the oppressors as much but we should also see the blame in ourselves. Even as we speak, we are not formally through any channel requesting an apology from those who have benefited from the heinous crimes, nor are we interested in recovering what has being taken or getting back some form of payment for crimes. I believe these are ways we show solidarity among ourselves and we understand how we can buil...