China Not Amused by EU's White Supremacist Vote on The Long Awaited Trade Deal, The CAI.
Supremacist, racist ideologues in the European Parliament seem determined to take after Donald Trump's Art of the Boomerang. Their ideological posturing will end up hurting themselves more than China.
Also, they are demanding the definitive colonial privilege: the right to slap the Native and expect the Native to turn the other cheek.
They are plainly unaware it's now the 21st century, not the 19th.
A response from Beijing (editorial below):
"The conditions imposed by the European Parliament for resuming ratification process are rough and arrogant. It demands that 'China lift the sanctions before Parliament can deal with the CAI.' These sanctions imposed by China are actually countermeasures against the EU's sanctions over Chinese officials and entities.
"There is no way China will lift those sanctions under pressure from the European Parliament. The European Parliament said in the motion that it 'calls on the Commission to use the debate around the CAI as leverage to improve the protection of human rights' in China. Such an intent will be resisted and despised by China."
Article:" EU Parliament pleases itself halting China deal: Global Times editorial"
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