
Showing posts from September, 2020

Brexit Dogma. The Swiss don't suffer from past grandeur syndrome.

The Swiss will, once again, show the world the difference between an open-minded society (🇨🇭) and an ignorant and racist one. The voices of division, segregation & ultra-nationalism have been defeated by voters in Switzerland #directdemocracy rocks! A well-informed electorate makes rational decisions.  Lessons for #Brexit folly. #Switzerland #referendum. They’re not stupid .... they’ve got Brexit as a benchmark for world beating incompetence .... And to add to the clarity, it’s an absolute rejection of the hatred projected towards #EU citizens by #Brexiteers. Well done #Switzerland. Many of us #Remainers would like our #freedomofmovement back. 10% of Swiss citizens live and work in the EU. Well over a million EU citizens live and work in Switzerland contributing massively to the Swiss social system including its healthcare and social benefits system.  The Swiss know which side their bread is buttered on. Switzerland has refused to follow in the fo...

They want us to censor ourselves

The bourgeois liberal state wants to create a ‘respectable Left’, in other words a tame left, people who will write superficially radical things and can appear on TV to provide ‘balance’ but won’t challenge the *fundamental* basis of the ruling class: capitalism and imperialism. Bourgeois society will give people, some who may genuinely be radical, a platform on TV, journals, and writing articles for ‘mainstream’ publication like the Guardian/NYT then if they want to keep appearing they have to become ‘respectable’: losing the criticism of imperialism. That’s why, when you hear the ostensibly ‘radical’ socialists, even ‘communists’(!), who appear in  ‘mainstream’ journals and on daytime political television programs they never actually *say* or *do* anything genuinely radical when they have that platform or they’d get cut off. I will always maintain that if your views are a genuine threat to the bourgeois liberal order you will never be allowed to write for ‘mainstream’ publication...

John Shipton 'Julian didn't do anything, they did' (Draft )

GASLIGHTINGASSANGE as explained by Mr. John Shipton, a humanitarian, pro-peace, pro-justice man who is fighting for press freedom and his son's freedom.  FreeAssange GASLIGHTINGASSANGE as explained by Mr. John Shipton, a humanitarian, pro-peace, pro-justice man who is fighting for press freedom and his son's freedom.  FreeAssange     You see very few genuinely heroic people in the political arena or in life generally. Assange is one: A bona fide hero. WATCH: John Shipton 'Julian didn't do anything, they did' Outside the court where his son endures what the judge now admits is a political trial, Julian #Assange's father, John Shipton, describes the human carnage caused by America and utters an unforgettable truth: "Julian didn't do anything, they did." You see very few genuinely heroic people in the political arena or in life generally. Assange is one: A bona fide hero. Thanks for standing up and tell the truth as his father do, Julian is proud. I a...

Julian #Assange Offered Freedom By Trump in Exchange For The Source of DNC Leaks

Friday 18th September - Today's Hearing Julian #Assange is clearly a political prisoner. Its a politically motivated farce of a trial he is enduring. He is being held unlawfully by the British authorities, for an extradition request by the USA accusing him of conspiring to hack their government computers and breaking an espionage law when Wikileaks in 2010-11 released some confidential cables. Jennifer Robinson who is Assange’s lawyer, has stated she observed a meeting on August 15, 2017 of #AssangeCase during which former Republican U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher proposed a 'win-win' situation, that #Assange can get 'get on with his life' and a pardon in exchange for information about the source' that 'Information from Mr Assange about the source of the 2016 election DNC leaks would be of value to Mr Trump'.  The response by the US government lawyer, James Lewis QC said: “The position of the government is we don’t contest these things ...

ZANU PF CAN BE DEFEATED! How Do We Keep The Momentum On #ZimbabweanLivesMatter? !

This article was shared previously shared via Facebook. This is  published it additional points.  "How Do We Keep The Momentum On #ZimbabweanLivesMatter? It should be more than just a hash-tag"    Insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results, so said Albert Einstein. The #ThisFlag was a milestone in grassroots driven uprising, but we failed to keep the momentum because the movement was hijacked, there was concerted efforts to centralise the movement with various opportunistic groups forming, being co-opted by the main opposition parties,   foreign and domestic think tanks, NGO's jumped on the ride. This diluted the movement once centralisation took hold. Zanu PF was able to fight back by easily targeting the symbol of the movement and more centralised  groupings. What you also saw was the emergence of opportunistic celebrity style activists hijacking the movements to their own ends, some of the as a result are now ...

Why #Zimbabwean Protests Should Not Emulate #Belarus Protests

Colour revolutions should come with a product label: MADE IN THE USA. For more that two decades we have the US and its allies manufacturing, incite or back color revolutions as the most economical way to destabilize and change governments they don't like. That moment you see headline splashes like PRO DEMOCRACY REVOLUTION, its unlikely to be a spontaneous grassroots uprising if it looks like, talks like or walks like a colour revolution.  The Covid 19 pandemic has been the perfect cover for the US empire to expand its clandestine regime agendas to un-precedent levels. This is despite profound demands for change in its own backyard. The black community has finally had enough of state sponsored violent killings of black people at the hands of a brutal racist police. Anger amongst the black community has been raging across the US since the murder of an unarmed black man, George Floyd in Minneapolis. His subsequent death at the knee of the now former police officer, Derek Ch...