Julian #Assange Offered Freedom By Trump in Exchange For The Source of DNC Leaks

Friday 18th September - Today's Hearing

Julian #Assange is clearly a political prisoner. Its a politically motivated farce of a trial he is enduring. He is being held unlawfully by the British authorities, for an extradition request by the USA accusing him of conspiring to hack their government computers and breaking an espionage law when Wikileaks in 2010-11 released some confidential cables. Jennifer Robinson who is Assange’s lawyer, has stated she observed a meeting on August 15, 2017 of #AssangeCase during which former Republican U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher proposed a 'win-win' situation, that #Assange can get 'get on with his life' and a pardon in exchange for information about the source' that 'Information from Mr Assange about the source of the 2016 election DNC leaks would be of value to Mr Trump'. 

The response by the US government lawyer, James Lewis QC said: “The position of the government is we don’t contest these things were said. We obviously do not accept the truth of what was said by others.” Well, you conclude for yourselves, this not a denial of the facts.

Mr #Assange is paying with his life for refusing to disclose his source, he has stuck to his journalistic code. It is not clear why Mr Trump has not pardoned him when he has pardoned Clint Lawrence the US Lieutenant who was imprisoned for war crimes for killing two Afghan civilians. 

Trump has instead facilitated the inhumane harassment and torture of #Assange since he got him dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy. He is hell  bent  on trying to punish #Assange for exposing US war crimes. 

In the ideal world exposing war crimes should be legal and applauded, but we are living in a dystopian world where covering up war crimes is legal and abated. 

The arrogance of this US Government is so nakedly brazen insisting that it has the right to prosecute any journalist and publication, anywhere in the world, for publishing the truth about its war crimes. Like the US owns the world, and everybody on it, you, me, your family, friends, your dogs, your government, your continent and all the plastic sh*t polluting our world. 

Also, revealed at today's hearing was the 
Witness Statement of Khalid al-Masri. A diplomatic cable about his illegal rendition and  torture was released by Wikileaks. He is German-Lebanese citizen who was mistakenly abducted, handed over to the CIA and subsequently tortured. This would not have come to light if it wasn't for #Assange's case. For the first time a victim of a CIA rendition operation has been able to confront the USA in a court of law. The US certainly wanted to keep this statement from US torture victim El Masri hidden from the world.  The US tried to keep El Masri’s testimony out of the #Assangecase Court record at all costs. 

The trial also will undoubtedly be remembered as a dystopian circus. Every day single day is censorship day with the most ridiculous "technical difficulties"  for a country that can spy on an ant colony with satellites from space, they are making it impossible for journalists to report on the proceedings. Those that give the correct objective correct account are being locked completely, denied access. 
The show trial against political prisoner Julian Assange keeps getting more dystopian by the day. 

The witness statement of Dean Yates summed up the courageous efforts of Julian #Assange:

"What assange did was 100% an act of truth-telling, exposing to the world what the war in fact was, and how the US military behaved and lied". 

The depravity of the US has no limits, the way its lawyers are pushing a nonsensical arguement that journalism is espionage is condemning British justice to a kangaroo court system. 

Author: Ashe

Just a reminder of the Panama papers, we are living in a corrupt world. The governments are the biggest criminal organisations and will go to any lengths to kill those expose their crimes. 

https://www.icij.org /investigations/panama-papers/


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