Brexit Dogma. The Swiss don't suffer from past grandeur syndrome.

The Swiss will, once again, show the world the difference between an open-minded society (🇨🇭) and an ignorant and racist one.

The voices of division, segregation & ultra-nationalism have been defeated by voters in Switzerland

#directdemocracy rocks! A well-informed electorate makes rational decisions.  Lessons for #Brexit folly.
#Switzerland #referendum.

They’re not stupid .... they’ve got Brexit as a benchmark for world beating incompetence ....

And to add to the clarity, it’s an absolute rejection of the hatred projected towards #EU citizens by #Brexiteers. Well done #Switzerland. Many of us #Remainers would like our #freedomofmovement back.

10% of Swiss citizens live and work in the EU. Well over a million EU citizens live and work in Switzerland contributing massively to the Swiss social system including its healthcare and social benefits system. 

The Swiss know which side their bread is buttered on.

Switzerland has refused to follow in the footsteps of Brexit Britain.

"Swiss voters have overwhelmingly rejected a rightwing party’s attempt to scrap a pact allowing the free movement of people from the EU."

Well done, Switzerland! So much smarter than us. If Brexit has a ‘positive’, it’s in the lesson shown to the rest of the world what damage one country can do to itself.

. Yeah no idea why the BBC would word it like that .., or wait that’s their modus operandi.
Because that’s what it was; the rejection of a proposal to end free movement with the EU.
Surely the job of a journalist is present things clearly...I had to read that headline twice tbf

Yes. Trust the BBC to obfuscate the result of the vote by employing a double negative. I honestly think it's deliberate propoganda.

How about the line inside the BBC article, "EU officials, who had been watching the referendum campaign nervously, welcomed the result"?

Was just one EU official watching nervously, half a dozen or all of them? And how does the BBC know this?

More propaganda.
A simple headline of "Swiss vote to keep FOM" would have been much better, but that's not what they want you to think.

The Swiss know which side their bread is buttered on.

The Swiss don't have a self-denigration and flagellation problem either, regardless of its questionable history.

The Swiss clearly lack the extreme filthy liars that the uk can claim. Or - they are not as pathetically gullible as the British.
Either way, well done the Swiss. Does rather rub our faces in it though!

Swiss voters today decided by significant margins to
- Introduce 2 weeks paternity leave 
- Reject a proposal to limit immigration from the EU
- Reject family tax cuts that would have benefitted mostly the rich

(Switzerland votes on issues several times a year) #DirectDemocracy

Keep an eye on Switzerland today.. Holding a referendum to end free movement - a key part of its relationship with the EU. Many see lessons for UK’s post #Brexit relationship with Brussels here. If the Swiss vote Yes today..  /1

Brussels has warned that will automatically weaken some+cut other ties to the EU for example locking Switzerland’s lucrative medical equipment industry out of the single market. Greatly increasing export and import costs. Polls suggest the Swiss would like to have control over /2

their borders but are persuaded by the economic arguments of having clear ties to the EU. Switzerland’s case is very different to that of post #Brexit UK. But the difficulties in EU-UK negotiations have featured prominently in the Swiss press /3

Some commentators believe that has helped persuade Swiss voters that they don’t want to rupture relations with Brussels. The freedom of movement referendum is not expected to pass today.. /4

You're right. You never hear Brexiters claiming membership of the EU caused terrible national decline into servile ignominy.

Conclusion - there are not as many pliable fools in Switzerland as there was in the U.K. (in 2016)

That's good, & funny, because Brexiters were all convinced other countries would want to leave the EU once the UK did.

Fairly sure the Swiss are brighter than the Brits.
Oh by far! They use referendums all the time.

It is really interesting question why direct democracy in CH has more efficient outcomes than it is (on average) the case in other countries? Is it about education, (lesser) information asymmetry or something else? My students raised that issue at the Public finance course :)

Very good question, and I do not know the answer, but one explanation could be that there is very little ‚hostile’ influence in Swiss elections, and voters have a long tradition of taking responsibility as the electorate with very little tendency for protest voting.

The poor Daily Express will have to bury the news  Switzerland  values its relationships  with the EU on page 24 underneath the hemrroid Ad why only last week they trumpeted

Guess they didn’t have a red bus parked full of lying #Tory charlatans promising £350m/wk benefit for doing it.
#BorisJohnson #cummings #tories #lies #brexit

They had a similar referendum a few years ago where their version of the leave campaign was found to have not been honest - the vote was invalidated


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