

 The "newspeg" is the meeting of the Genocidal 7 (G7), but at the core is the fraudulent, warmongering system of global DICTATORSHIP that the Western Empire calls "Democracy." It is -- by far -- the greatest threat not only to the wellbeing of humanity, but also its very future. Those who live under its jurisdiction have been drugged to think it's the opposite; they've been lobotomized by a lifetime's diet of omnipresent agitprop  The still-free world needs to recognize such stark realities -- and act accordingly. There is little time to lose.  "Joe Biden wrote an op-ed in Washington Post about his Europe/G7 trip. The op-ed had 12 paragraphs and 16 mentions of the words 'democracies' or 'democratic.' This is the new religion of America, which cannot offer prosperity or economic freedom to its own people, let alone to others. The subliminal message about the word 'democracy' is that it is the opposite of China and Russia, whic...

Israel, the Big Lie [Chris Hedges]

Chris Hedges: "Israel is not exercising “the right to defend itself” in the occupied Palestinian territories. It is carrying out mass murder, aided and abetted by the U.S. (...) I spent seven years in the Middle East as a correspondent, four of them as The New York Times Middle East Bureau Chief. I am an Arabic speaker. I lived for weeks at a time in Gaza, the world’s largest open-air prison where over 2 million Palestinians exist on the edge of starvation, struggle to find clean water and endure constant Israeli terror. I have been in Gaza when it was pounded with Israeli artillery and air strikes. I have watched mothers and fathers, wailing in grief, cradling the bloodied bodies of their sons and daughters. I know the crimes of the occupation—the food shortages caused by the Israeli blockade, the stifling overcrowding, the contaminated water, the lack of health services, the near constant electrical outages due to the Israeli targeting of power plants, the crippling ...

The Difference Between Totalitarian Regimes And Free Democracies [Caitlin Johnstone]

Listen to a reading of this article: In totalitarian regimes they have massacres and wars. In free democracies they have humanitarian interventions. In totalitarian regimes they use torture. In free democracies they use enhanced interrogation techniques. In totalitarian regimes they fund terrorist groups to create instability. In free democracies they fund terrorist groups to create stability. In totalitarian regimes evil dictators bomb their own people. In free democracies we do it for them. In totalitarian regimes a single party upholds and enforces the status quo. In free democracies, two parties uphold and enforce the status quo. In totalitarian regimes the government controls the press and determines what information the public is allowed to have access to. In free democracies it is billionaires who do this. In totalitarian regimes they wage brutally violent crackdowns on protesters to quash dissent. In free democracies they do this also, but then they kneel while wear...

MI6 and CIA overthrew Sukarno not just because he said he hated imperialism [Jerry Brown]

The rogue  MI6 and CIA overthrew Sukarno not just because he said he hated imperialism. But he as elected President of Indonesia, implemented anti-imperialist policy. Such as nationalizing western assets in the country. Such as land reform to distribute land from big landlords to millions of landless farmers. Sukarno was also supportive of the Indonesian Communist Party PKI, which had more than 10 million members, the largest in the non-communist world. Both the US and UK were concerned that countries in SE Asia would turn Communist, like falling dominoes. "I HATE IMPERIALISM," PRESIDENT SUKARNO AT UN, 1959. When US hates "hate speech," expect a bloodbath: the case of Sukarno's Indonesia.  If you have ever  wondered why Washington and the CIA overthrew Indonesia's Sukarno in 1965 and drowned  the country in blood: 1 million killed in the aftermath, courtesy of CIA kill-list-order.  Maybe he was "undemocratic"? Maybe he was genociding so...

Politics Offer Pretend Revolutions To A Discontented Public [Caitlin Johnstone]

Listen to a reading of this article:  In 2008 the American public was fed up with the disastrous status quo politics of George W Bush, so they came together and elected a progressive candidate who campaigned on hope and change to replace him. But no progress happened; the hope and change never came. Barack Obama continued and expanded all of his predecessor’s most depraved policies at home and abroad, and it wasn’t long before the initial elation wore off and the illusion that things were looking up evaporated. It was as if Bush had never left office. Worn out and disgusted by crushing neoliberal policies at home and murderous neoconservative policies abroad, Americans elected a political neophyte who ran on a populist platform which criticized both Bush and Obama. Trump promised to “drain the swamp”, end the wars, and fight the establishment in the interests of ordinary people.  This  time for sure there would be change. But the wars kept going, and the swamp...

The Most Stupid Black Africans Reported IN Western Media Demonstrating Against Chinese Investments

This is the level of ignorance that may take generations to cure. At this rate you really wonder if Africans will ever free themselves from western hegemony. The hypocrisy in demonstrating against Chinese investments IN France of all places is sheer stupidity and ignorance : 1. NO Other Western power loots Africa like France does. 2. FRANCE controls 8 African countries central banks which remit US$500bn every single year. France has been looting these countries since the day they got their fake independence. 3. France controlled 29 African countries during the initial colonial era and still has influence over them. France committed unimaginable colonial era crimes against millions of black Africans in these countries. No apology, no reparations or return of looted wealth BY France. In Algeria more than 1.5million people were massacred in Maghreb region has witnessed mass killings. In 1960, the French detonated a nuclear device in the Algerian desert 1960, which was thr...

Howard Beckett: What Exactly Are The Establishment So Afraid Of? [Rachel Swindon]

Howard Beckett is an impressive individual. So much so I’m going to write a little bit about him today. Don’t worry, sad-act Starmer will get his - after all, it is Sunday, and slaying Starmer on a Sunday is the done thing. I mean, a Sunday blog that doesn’t point out the horrific state of Her Majesty’s official opposition and the rare ups and many downs of the hapless wrecker Starmer, just wouldn’t be a Sunday blog.  The competition is underway to replace the General Secretary of Unite the Union, Len McCluskey.  Now you might be wondering why this contest is of such great importance, and why swathes of left Twitter, and Facebook, are throwing all of their weight behind Howard Beckett - so let me attempt to explain why - and the wider importance of a victory for Mr Beckett.  This isn’t just a battle to become the new General Secretary of Unite, far from. This is the most important contest the left have faced since the 2019 general election.  We have four candidates t...