Abolishing (or reforming) England’s Private School System May Be One Tool To Save The Imminent Collapse of UK

The boys who never grow up: Sad Little Men, by Richard Beard, reviewed

A furious denunciation of the private boarding school system which produces damaged men prone to dissembling, hypocrisy, snobbery – and a blind belief in their right to run the country



‘His book makes the same point again and again with elegant variation because it’s a point that needs thrashing into us: that the system produces damaged men who are nevertheless encouraged to believe they can run the country. Since there is no longer the colonial service for them to enter, the country they end up damaging is their own.’

These have been my thoughts for years- abolishing (or majorly reforming) England’s private school system is one of the first ports of call if we’re to survive as a nation. I’ll be reading this book.

NB. Also, this review (in the Golden Dawn-celebrating Spectator no less) is very telling. Check out the final two paragraphs.


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