Ancient Egyptians Were Black People, Pyramids Were Built By Black Africans
At the 1974 UNESCO conference Egyptology was dealt a fatal blow. 2 African scholars wiped the floor with 18 world-renowned Egyptologists. They proved in 11 different categories of evidence that the ancient Egyptians were Black.
The question of “What race were the ancient Egyptians?” was resolved at the historic international Cairo Symposium, held from January 28 – February 3, 1974. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) convened 20 of the world’s top Egyptologists to debate the race of the founders of ancient Egyptian civilization. It was assumed by the vast majority of European Egyptologists that the ancient Egyptians were either Caucasians or western Asiatics. At the conference only two African scholars, Cheikh Anta Diop and TheophilĂ© Obenga, held that the Egyptians were black Africans, while the other participants took opposing positions against the Diop-Obenga thesis. Armed with a formidable body of evidence from numerous academic disciplines, Diop presented specific information to prove the black origins of Kemet. It is obvious from the conference report that Diop dominated the proceedings, and confronted with his solid arguments, most of the participants changed their positions during the conference. It is clear that the participants abandoned the old Caucasoid and western Asiatic theories and the conclusion of the official UNESCO report indicates the triumph of Diop and his colleague Obenga. SALUTE TO CHEIKH DIOP AND THEOPHILE OBENGA.
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