When You Hear That Mantra: "I don't oppose the Chinese people, I oppose the CCP!"
"You see this same tactic in the way anti-China spinmeisters have been training their credulous audiences to use the term "CCP" for China's government; it's an alien-sounding label most people won't have grown up hearing, so it helps mentally dissociate the government from the nation and its people in the public eye. This despite the fact that the Chinese people overwhelmingly approve of their government. They even deliberately use a weird abbreviation for the party's official English name, the Communist Party of China (CPC).
This is why you constantly hear indoctrinated automatons bleating the mantra "I don't oppose the Chinese people, I oppose the CCP!" They've been trained to help spin China's government as an illegitimate force which is occupying China against the will of its people, thereby creating the perception of legitimacy for anything that will be done in the future to target that government. Of course it can be helpful in certain instances to create such distinctions, but this mantra isn't being mindlessly bleated ad nauseum for helpful reasons. It's to help grease the wheels of the slow-motion third world war the US-centralized power alliance is waging upon the remaining unabsorbed nations.
Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. The agendas to secure this control and shape those narratives look different, but their purpose is always the same: to facilitate the agendas of a ruling class of sociopaths who operate the most deadly and destructive power structure of the face of the earth."
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