The Majority of Americans Will Believe Just About ANY Negative Portrayal of a Foreign Power

What I find particularly comical is that Americans pride themselves on their skepticism of the media, be it mainstream or alternative. Regardless of where they lie on the political spectrum, one will rarely find an American who openly states that they believe everything they're told by any media. Such people would be ridiculed as naive and brainwashed.
Yet, the majority of Americans will believe just about ANY negative portrayal of a foreign power, be it "babies thrown out of incubators in Kuwait", "Iraqi WMDs", "Russiagate", or "1 million Uighurs in concentration camps". 

The majority of them will regurgitate such nonsense without question, all the while touting their personal skepticism of their own media as proof of their so-called "critical thinking" and "independence". 

In their mind, somehow the media will lie to them about every issue, EXCEPT when demonizing another country. This tendency is pathetically naive yet entertaining. [Honda Jiang] 
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." 
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The so called usa Intelligence agencies are actually not at all intelligent but are actually serial liars and scammers and fraudsters and virtually 100% of what ever they had said and claimed regarding rivals of the usa gov, have all turned out to be deliberate lies and fake news and their agenda is to push for wars and conflicts against their rivals. 

Hai Qing Philip 
They passed a Bill to fund $3 billion each year just to bad mouth China. 
They are also recruiting Chinese fifth column army under the names of NGOs or so called non political projects. 
This is what they are good at which had worked on so many regime changes and colour revolutions around the world, except, they haven’t really worked and will not work in China. 
Mainland Chinese youths are too bright to buy their craps and their confidence and trust in their own government and system has never been higher.


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