CHINA SAYS NO TO War [Jim Lochhead]
CHINA SAYS NO TO WAR. With 50 Years of Friendship with China, I have put continuous research into this subject. Military power should not be valued in dollar$. If one applies the value system to military capability, China has an unbelievable believable advantage. .. "Why Jim?" .. I've done a library of research about the world with China in the equation, from the new Maglev line planned for Chengdu (Chengdu is an amazing Millennium City) to the colossal spokeless Ferris Wheel in Weifang, to major league baseball's investments in China to the fact that Volvo, Pirelli tires, and Louisville Slugger baseball bats are owned by companies in China (not "owned" by China).
I've factored in all the positives of China's 20,000 years of civilization (pottery findings being the scientific standard). Chinese characteristics. China, with high speed rail, can build 4 times faster at 1/4 the cost. Calculating this immeasurable factor into this world inclusive equation, you do not have be an economic scholar to realize what this adds up to. China has been recording its history, characters, for 5,000 years and defending its civilization longer.
2,500 years ago Sun Tzu took up the book of war knowledge and added to this learning. More than a guide to war, it is a guide to keep wars from occurring, rather interesting yet never mentioned. Peace is the first strategy, Peace is the priority strategy, Peace has the most value. .. World Hugs
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