Okinawan women's civic group chronicles sex crimes by U.S. military [Japan Times]
"The acts of sexual violence by U.S. servicemen are likely to be even more extensive than research has so far uncovered, according to the group, called Okinawan Women Act Against Military Violence.
“We need to uncover how much pain has been caused to people because of the military stationed here,” said Suzuyo Takazato, 80, co-chair of the group. It has published a chronology titled, “Postwar U.S. Military Crimes Against Women in Okinawa.”
The booklet (currently available in Japanese and English), which was six pages when it was first published in 1996, is now 26 pages long since the most recent publication in 2016. It serves as a poignant history of the suffering women have endured as a sacrifice for Japan’s security in Okinawa, which bears the brunt of hosting U.S. military bases in the country.
Takazato and her group have only uncovered the tip of the iceberg, she says, adding, “Countless women are living in pain, suffering, and fear who have not been able to tell anyone.”
The group’s mission is “shedding light on the existence of women who have been forced into silence and creating a society where they feel they can speak out,” Takazato said."
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