BBC receives more than 100,000 complaints over Prince Philip coverage
The number has set a new record for complaints in British television history.
He visited China in 1986 and described Beijing as "ghastly." He also told British some students there: "If you stay here much longer you'll all be slitty-eyed".
He also told a student who was trekking through Papua New Guinea in 1988: "You managed not to get eaten then?" Then in 2002 on a visit to Australia, in Queensland he asked an aboriginal leader: "Do you still throw spears at each other? ". He even told the president of Nigeria that he looked like he was "ready for bed," because he was dressed in the african traditional robes.
In the days of "upstairs downstairs" the elite class, that lived upstairs, believed that, those who lived downstairs, their servants, actually loved them and were happy with their lot. The truth was the very opposite. And so it is today; the elite class have absolutely no idea how the ordinary tax paying person feels or thinks.
He was a privileged old man full of bigotry and a sense of entitlement and a celebrated big game Hunter. While he will be missed enormously l am sure by his own family why should we grieve nationally for the privileged when there are so many underprivileged who deserve our grief and concern far more.
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