The CIA Torture Details Are Quite Appalling
The gory CIA torture details are reported in the Business Insider, the full article link is at bottom of this statement.
Understanding your enemy is the key in defending yourself from lies and attacks. China is now assertive, and the best defence is offence and it is not bowing to pressure from the US and its western partners as the world knows the US does not care about human rights. The US has waged 222 wars in its 235 years of existence. They are the biggest abuser of human rights the world has ever seen.
Below are some highlights from the article:
"Torture programs described in the report include "rectal feeding," sleep deprivation, insects, use of diapers, and mock executions. According to the report, "rectal hydration" was used as a means of "behavior control."
"The tactics described in the report include "rectal rehydration" and CIA officers threatening to hurt, rape, and kill family members of detainees."
"One interrogator told another detainee that he would never go to court, because ‘we can never let the world know what I have done to you.’ CIA officers also threatened … to harm the children of a detainee … sexually abuse the mother of a detainee, and … to "cut [a detainee's] mother's throat."
"The report says the CIA forced detainees to wear diapers and lied about it."
"Detainees Were Made To Stand On Broken Bones: Without approval from CIA headquarters, interrogators shackled detainees with leg injuries, including broken feet, in a standing position until they could not physically continue"
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