On 25 March 1999 The US Led NATO Began Bombing Yugoslavia

Via David Raun: || Michael Parenti - on NATO’s war against Yugoslavia 

"All of the humanity, it can be divided into group A, B and C. 

Group A is made up of those people who live, principally, of stock dividends, interest payments on their bond investments, royalties on their land and mineral holdings, rents on their properties...

That's group A. 

Groups B and C make up the other 99,5 % of humanity. 

People in group B live of wages, salaries, fees, commissions, tips, pensions...

And group C is made up of tens of millions of people who don't even get that: they live in utter destitution from hand to mouth ( from whatever hand out, so whatever charity bits, so whatever fragmentary incomes they can scrounge...). 

The thing that people in group A and B have in common is that they both live of the labour of the people in group B and C . 

The people in group A don't just do this. 

They are very active, they have the active element...We can call them "the owning class", 'cause they own almost everything in the World: they own most of the land, they own the factories, the industries, the banks, the media...

They also own a lot of the State, that is, their representatives, the politically active elements from their ranks, move in and become the secretaries of defense, secretaries of state, CIA directors...

Now, they take great pains in trying to keep the World this way. 

Because that love it that way. 

I know, in the movies, you see things about the unhappy rich. Don't believe it for a minute ! 

They love, they LOVE, having their private planes and their estates and all their wonderful things and their power and their prestige and their immense wealth...And, most of all, they are very concerned about those instruments of organisation which accumulate that wealth for them, which are called the giant multinational corporations. 

Corporations are called producer interests. In fact, they don't produce anything. Tell me, what a corporation produces ? You tell me, what a CEO has ever produced ?! They are, in fact, organisations for extraction of surplus value from the work force ! They're organisations that mobilise economic and political power to make the World safe for group A. 

They don't do that directly in many cases, but, they pick the people, they pay the lobbiests, they pay the campaign fees, they do all that stuff...

And the State then comes in. 

That componant of the State, not the entire government, but, that special componant of the State, known as National Security State, which is made up of the White House, the Defense Department, the State Department, the CIA, Military Intelligence, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, FBI and a few other elements here or there...that National Security State, it's function is to make the World safe for the fortune 500 and for the people in group A."

Michael Parenti, "To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEzOgpMWnVs ||

The US destroyed and balkanised this prosperous nation and left the country fractured into eight destitute pieces open to US exploitation. American humanitarian bombings removes ALL human rights. But that’s ok. It is a good thing. Because when America kills people, it is for their own good. When America kills people, it is because they care. They care deeply out of the goodness of their Exceptional heart.

On this day in 1999:

#NATO began bombing Yugoslavia without permission from the UNSC. In addition to the approx. 1000 Yugoslav soldiers killed, between 489-528 civilians were killed according to Human Rights Watch, though the exact number of deaths is disputed. 

During the three months of bombing, NATO dropped between 10-15 tonnes of depleted uranium as bombs according to the Srdjan Aleksic, a Serbian lawyer who led Serbia's legal team against NATO. #Serbia🇷🇸 would later have some of the highest cancer mortality rates in the world. NATO bombing hit bridges, industrial plants, hospitals, schools, cultural monuments, private businesses as well as barracks and military installations. 

On this day in 1999:

#NATO began bombing Yugoslavia without permission from the UNSC. In addition to the approx. 1000 Yugoslav soldiers killed, between 489-528 civilians were killed according to Human Rights Watch, though the exact number of deaths is disputed. 

During the three months of bombing, NATO dropped between 10-15 tonnes of depleted uranium as bombs according to the Srdjan Aleksic, a Serbian lawyer who led Serbia's legal team against NATO. #Serbia🇷🇸 would later have some of the highest cancer mortality rates in the world. NATO bombing hit bridges, industrial plants, hospitals, schools, cultural monuments, private businesses as well as barracks and military installations. 


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