The Church & Religion is Mental Slavery [Africa History FB Group]
The church is mental slavery; this is why it discourages workers from revolting against a psychologically oppressive system.The church squeezes money out of the people by promising them happiness in the next life if they accept misery and exploitation this one.The church is a hierarchal organization in the way it controls its members and those it preaches to.The church is a sham because it is a corporation owned by a few fat priests and brainwashing billions.The church preaches blind faith because there is nothing more slavish than a spiritually blinded populace.The church uses the concept of hell to ensure that women and men remain locked within the safe, stale, morality of the ruling class.The church is a spiritually bankrupt organization because its goal is to turn people into sheepish, obedient, believers.For the church God is a euphemism for injustice inflicted upon the human race by the ruling class.The church short-circuits the natural flow of human spirituality by suffocating it with edicts and dogmas.The church is identical to the bankers in the way that it robs the citizens every single week while promising after-life returns.One of the benefits of abolishing the church is that citizens will finally be afforded the spiritual strength to resist the ruling class.
The church is an upper class institution; this is why it never preaches revolution against exploitive ruling interests.The church is like a multinational corporation, it has profit and growth targets just the same.Religion destroys the urge to fight political corruption in this life.The bankers,the goverment and corporations finance the church because it protects their interests by subduing the revolutionary instincts of the masses.The church protects the interests of the industrial elites by peddling the message of self-serving patriotism.Clergymen behave like capitalists in the way they hoard assets, land, gold, stocks and straight up cash.Freedom from mental slavery .
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