The De-Colonisation of The African is Long Overdue [Joshua Maponga]

(Zimbabgwe Indigenous Movement) Part 4
We are the solution! 
Season for change.
“The hands of Esau but the voice is of Jacob”
Afrikans have  to reclaim their lost identity and stop feeling like Afrikans but speaking like Europeans. The reality is “we have been captured totally captured, our stomachs and minds are full of colonial substances and viruses . The struggle we Face now is to  try and  solve Afrikan problems with European solutions. (Breast feeding with a plastic straw)

Oh that my Afrikan countries can think like Afrikans (usage of mental faculties) feel like Afrikans (hearts/passion be for Afrikan products and lifestyle) and act (hands/action be) like Afrikans do it for Afrika. The trap is that our economy and academia has become a colonial regime with black snobs now protecting a white legacy trying to access “Esau’s estate with Jacob’s schemes” ( a schizophrenic bipolar governance/political/economic/cultural disorder.

Afrika is a land/ “domicile” it is a place a continent and we have been dooped to fight other continents as countries. Our individual fake boarders give us fake national pride as Asia, Europe, Russia and United States of America (continents) have consolidated power to rape individual Afrikan countries. They win because they play on the Afrikan's love for individual power, personal  greed, and fake democratic systems of puppet governments. Afrika has to unite then she become a Giants to compete with super powers as she will be one too. 

Here is a guide to achieve that goal and every country has to think through this model to join families to communities and communities to the nation and the nations to the continent then we can talk “world peace” as equal partners who sit on the security council to protect our mother land.  Zimbabgwe’s solutions must be solved within the armpit of Afrikan strategic objectives (what can Zimbabgwe contribute to the continent? 

The continent can not isolate and ridicule its individual members to cooperate with other continents to further the agenda of the oppressors. Continental unity is power. Zimbabgwe Indigenous Movement is clear about its role in the United States of Afrika's agenda.
Every country must answer these 7 questions:
1. How are we going to champion Political reform? How do we develop indigenous governance systems which speak to our people and get rid of  white governance systems/or improve them/or Afrikanize them/hybridize them? The “isms” of the west/'worst' have proved to be a complex puzzle for Afrikan politician who want to be treated as Kings while running a democratic system it’s a conundrum!
2. How do we reform the Educational system to teach our people to love themselves, their continent, their heroes, technologies, their land and beneficiate their resources than apply for jobs. Teach the Afrikan industry/innovation/manufacturing/not employment/ and consumption? 
3. What is the missing link in our Commercial/economic system, and how do we reform the Economy to be truly Afrikan and give its ownership to indigenous people? Business has to change, Afrika must stop building white businesses with Afrikan capital! Do not exchange solid/land estate with paper transactions. Afrika must learn that ‘money is a lie land is the only  Real estate’. 
4. What Culture is European “democracy” promoting, what religious prisons are we still building and how do we Reform this sector. Colonizers have maximized on Religion as an introduction to "white culture" to produce “coconuts” white inside and brown outside? 

 How do we harvest indigenous knowledge to influence and restore our diet, medicine, entertainment, fashion, art  and truly restores Afrikan lifestyle?  White gods don’t love Afrikans, they don’t  have a relationship with land -but heaven. The  Afrikan Christians/moslem has been convinced to give up land and wait for heaven!
 Faith has become an industry of singing poverty as righteousness and postpone land ownership until “Jesus come”.  How will the Afrikan rule in heaven when he failed to rule on earth?
5.  In the midst of industrialization of Afrika what is the strategy around our Ecology/what is our green policy as a country and as a continent/EQ. Are we pushing for profit at the expense health environment? 
6. What is the indigenous understanding of Land? How do local people feel about their land and what type of suitable land reform can we implement? Afrikans must stop apologizing/feeling sorry about land ownership. The real question is how do we increase production and industry,  rather than how do we give it back to oppressors? 

 Zimbabgwe Indigenous Movement is clear on the land Issue, it is the reason we went to war, for land not for sharing toilets with whites! 
- “Everyman must have two wives- land and a woman : the 1st wife will help you to look after the second wife: Before you make the second wife pregnant - fertilize the first wife “land” as I have said before 
- Land is for food /farming -ministry of agriculture and fisheries  and food security 
- Land is for health - pharmaceutical ministry of health
- Land is accommodation- ministry of housing  and urban development and human settlement 
- Land is tourism- ministry of tourism
- Land is mining -ministry of mining
- Land is water- ministry of water affairs
- Land is guarantees for banking - ministry of finance and economic affairs
- Land is our estate/inheritance /our dignity - it must be given and protected by law- ministry of justice 
- Land is our connection to spirituality and cultural shrines - ministry of social and religious affairs -  ministry of arts and culture 
- Africa needs access to rivers 
- Africa needs access to the sea
- Africa needs access to the mountains
- Africa needs access to the forests 
- Africa needs access to her sacred sites to do her rituals and connect with her identity
- Our grand fathers graves are our title deeds to this land.                                               
- African proverb with says "you can not marry a woman until you have seen their grandfathers graves.? “.                           
   7.  What mental diet are we feeding on as a nation? Media and entertainment:  How do we feed the nations with our content and shape their perception? It is simple: we will take all the 6 reform areas above and design them into Radio, tv, newspaper and digital propaganda and tell our people the truth about their destiny and let them buy that future with commitment.     

This is packaged as the 'Afrikan dream' and must be planted in every Afrikan child's heart.                                       This is how we will build a new Nation and turn the winds in our favor.  

Zimbawe Indigenous Movement is clear on this mandate and eager to champion a path for cultural reform and as a movement ZIM is well equipped with skills for social re-engineering.  Re-buiding the broken walls of our Great  Dzimbabgwe. 
ZIM (Zimbabgwe Indigenous Movement) delivers to you a Great 'Dzimba' (solid homes of stones) -bgwe and dzimba(your rock solid families) will make Zi-imba-bgwe (the big nation build on a Rock) 
-Dzi-standing strong
The strong home is founded/build on the Rock

I am the watcher from the future living with you in the present with solutions from the past.

Farmers of Thought
Maponga Yashua iii Mara-rah 
KPP Svosve Dynasty Dzi-Imba-bgwe ChangaMbire
ZIM (Zimbabgwe Indigenous Movement)
We are the solution!


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