Zimbabwe Learns Muslim Culture From The Most Unusual Circumstances
[ You may need some paracetamol and naproxen to understand this linguist jingoism in this article]
Ironically , the expiration of Michelle Amuli was used as a symbolic conduit pipe to decipher / demystify the mythologies surrounding the monotheistic Abrahamic religion- Islam.
Historically , the generality of Zimbabweans have always conceptualized Islam through a prism polluted with fear , suspicion , superstition and more disturbingly as a religion that uses sorcery and violence . Consequently, if you historicize and contextualize the historicity of Muslims living in Zimbabwe , it is a history of a people misunderstood . They were conceptualized as manipulators who mendaciously use their sophism as infrastructures of domination particularly against women .
In fact , due to the complexities , misconceptions and the inevitable internet brouhaha that engulfed the nation, the intervention of jurisprudence was sought . At the epicenter of the brouhaha was the misconception on the monotheistic Abrahamic religion - Islam . The Islamic misconceptions among Zimbabweans emanated from the ecclesiology ( Mosques) , christology( Mohammad) and more importantly in this particularity the eschatology ( death and how it is administratively executed the Muslim way).
Genius Gnimbi Kadungure
Schizophrenically , the generality of Zimbabweans conceptualized Islam with suspicion due to the lack thereof knowledge on it . I got my Damascus moment when the elders eloquently deciphered ecclesiastically , and more importantly eschatologically the mythologies surrounding the monotheistic Abrahamic religion of Islam .
Life is a learning curve . Don’t be education- proof . Analogously, a mind is like a parachute it works well when it’s open .
Musoro bhangu wakadzidzeyi?
As Salaam Alaikum ( Peace be unto you)
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