No more mass surveillance in Europe!
An important ruling today could help limit #masssurveillance across Europe. The Court of Justice of the European Union said that national security concerns are not an excuse for #EU governments to violate people's right to #privacy. It remains to be seen whether in practice this will be adhered to. However for citizens of the UK, after Brexit mass surveillance and data collection will the hallmark of their lives. Who can be forgiven for not expressing grave concerns regarding the UK Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill, rightly condemned eloquently by MP Zarah Sultana during one of the most powerful speeches delivers in the House of commons by an ethnic minority MP?
This bill will no doubt enable unnecessary and unlawful interference with the legitimate activities of anti capitalists, trade unions, environmentalists, anti-racists and other campaigners. They have already banned teaching of socialism, communism and anti capitalism in UK education system. The county is sliding into a full blown fascist authoritarian state.
We must always stand up for human rights.
Author: Ashe
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