
Daniel Hale the "US Drone War" whistleblower pleads guilty to one count of violating the Espionage Act

"The documents that Hale provided to investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept contributed significantly to public awareness of the US military drone warfare and assassination programs developed during the Obama administration. The information helped to expose the existence of the secret programs, that drone strikes killed many more innocent people than their supposed “targets” and that US citizens had been killed extrajudicially by drone strikes in violation of their constitutional rights. The reason Hale cited for pleading guilty is because the Espionage Act charges prevent a public interest defense. In other words, Hale’s lawyers were barred from arguing that the need of the public to be made aware of the criminal activities of the US government was more important than his obligation not to disclose classified information to anyone." See Kevin Reed Article:

Ten years on, Syria is almost destroyed. Who’s to blame? [Indian Punchline]

Syria in ruins after ten years of conflict (File photo) In George Orwell’s novel  Animal Farm , the ruling pigs led by Napoleon constantly rewrote history in order to justify and reinforce their own continuing power. The rewriting by the western powers of the history of the ongoing conflict in Syria leaps out of Orwell.   The  joint statement  issued by the foreign ministers of the US, UK, France, Germany and Italy last week to mark the tenth anniversary of the Syrian conflict begins with an outright falsehood by holding President Bashar al-Assad and “his backers” responsible for the horrific events in that country. It asserts that the five western powers “will not abandon” the Syrian people — till death do us part.   The historical reality is that Syria has been a theatre of the CIA’s activities ever since the inception of that agency in 1947. There is a whole history of CIA-sponsored “regime change” projects in Syria ranging from coup attempts and assassinatio...

Is America Falling Like Rome?

The US is indeed in decline. An empire rises because it creates wealth. An empire falls because it destroys wealth. There two ways an empire falls: it always remains a hegemony and falls with the whole civilization, such as the East Island civilization; or it falls and lets another empire replace it so the civilization can sustain. Today, the world is a globalized world. The US empires can stay as hegemony and fall to the destination of destroying whole human beings, or it falls by losing hegemony position so the human has a future. The US was rising after the second industrial revolution that it created more wealth than it consumed. After WWII, it rebuilt Europe and created wealth for the world. When the US created wealth, the economic system base on Brenton Woods Agreement was working that the economy was growing. The American Empire during Cold War was the Western Bloc. The economy was not only growing but growing faster than the Eastern Bloc. After the collapse of the U...

Have You Ever Wondered About All These Big Human Rights Organisations That Never Criticise US Violations?

  Human Rights Watch is part of NED (CIA) regime change operations collaboration partners.  "Human-rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch are supposed to defend universal principles such as the rule of law and freedom from state repression. But when they are based in the United States and become close to the US government, they often find themselves aligned with US foreign policy ignoring human rights." Soros and Open Society Foundations Give $100 Million to Human Rights Watch to fund regime change operations in China, HK, Thailand, Myanmar and etc Soros funds new regime change tactic Human-rights organizations such as Human Rights Watc h  are supposed to defend universal principles such as the rule of law and freedom from state repression. But wh...

How To Clip The Wings of Billionaires and Oligarchs Beijing Style

China reforming the HK electoral system, one of the impact is reducing the little napoleons/tycoon their powers and influence on the property industry. A good article to read.  This week President Xi Jinping took his most dramatic step yet to grab some of that power back. Xi’s sweeping overhaul of Hong Kong’s electoral system -- aimed at neutralizing pro-democracy voices -- will curtail the clout of billionaires such as Li Ka-shing and Lee Shau-kee who used to wield effective control over a quarter of the seats on the 1,200-member Election Committee that decides Hong Kong’s chief executive. Under the new system, the moguls will lose more than 10% of their votes to smaller businesses and mainland Chinese companies. The committee will also add 300 more seats filled mostly by Beijing loyalists, further diluting the tycoons’ power. It’s the latest sign of a fall from grace for Hong Kong’s wealthiest families, who have been blamed by some Chinese officials and state media fo...

How To Understand All This China Stuff [Caitlin Johnstone]

China is in the news every day now. Today here in Australia we're  pretending to be offended  because a Chinese tabloid  published the accusation  that our nation is a "giant kangaroo that serves as a dog of the US", even though we all know  that's completely true  and we should be flattered that at least they said "giant". Before that we were getting indignant over  a hefty barley tariff  in response to our facilitation of America's global anti-China spin campaign, which it turns out  Washington screwed us on . Anti-China sentiment has been thriving in Australia, aided by our  Murdoch-dominated  news media,  State Department-funded think tanks  explicitly geared toward manipulating the China narrative, and of course our own deep-seated racism and xenophobia.  Because of its geographical location, the  US military/intelligence asset  conventionally known as Australia has been a major focal point ...

Iran and China sign $600 billion, 25-year partnership

My first, and indeed only, reaction to  this news story  was: ‘ Duhh! ’ If this news story surprised you in any way, clearly you have not been paying attention. Quite frankly I am surprised that this deal, or one very similar to it, didn’t happen sooner. Though I suppose that the current situation being what it is between China and the United States, this was probably as good a time as any. Our last  bumblingly-inept president  managed to piss off both Iran and China at around the same time - the first with  the assassination of Soleimani ; and the second with the whole trade war / ‘ muh IP theft ’ /  student espionage  /  ‘ China virus ’   fearmongering strategy  for red-meat domestic consumption by mouthbreathing boomer conservatives. And now our current  bumblingly-inept president , every bit as bad as our previous one, is both  dragging his heels  on renewing the Iran deal (which was one of  his campai...