
Showing posts with the label Trump

Trump's Win Was A NO Brainer ! A Big Fat Middle Finger To The Establishment ! (My 2016 Article)

Donald Trump The bottom line is we are fed up by the establishment corruption strangling our democratic ideals. I look back to the end of April 2016, back then a US presidential election victory by Donald Trump was the remotest of all possibilities according to all my peers and of course mainstream politics and mainstream media. I have never liked Trump on a personal basis but appreciated his achievements. There was no doubt in my mind following Brexit that this man who divides so much opinion would win the US election.  The problem for a lot of people who are bemused by his victory is that they have no means, time or cannot be bothered to appraise the choreographed sleek propaganda that is churned out relentlessly 24/7 by the mainstream media. That is their only source of information. I gave up on mainstream media a long time ago, the condescending bias has become so blatant to be classified as arrogant conditioning and misinformation. Twitter became my mainstay of balancing...