
Showing posts from July, 2021

Countries refuse to toe US line on China [Maitreya Bhakhal]

Countries refuse to toe US line on China [Maitreya Bhakhal]  "US efforts to garner allies against China seem to be hitting a roadblock. Many nations are tired of US bullying and are pushing back. Much to the US regime's chagrin, the global order today is not as divided and partisan as it was during the Cold War. By politicizing every issue and forcing nations to pick a side, the superpower finds itself rapidly losing allies to China." Source Article:

For Every Whistleblower They Make An Example Of, They Prevent A Thousand More [ Caitlin Johnstone]

Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ Whistleblower Daniel Hale has been sentenced to  nearly four years in prison  after pleading guilty to  leaking secret government information  about America's psychopathic civilian-slaughtering  drone assassination program . The sentence was much harsher than Hale's defense requested but not nearly as harsh as US prosecutors pushed for, arguing that longer prison sentences are necessary for deterring whistleblowing in the US intelligence cartel. The Dissenter's Kevin Gosztola  reports : Despite the fact that Hale pled guilty on March 31 to one of the five Espionage Act offenses he faced, prosecutors remained spiteful and unwilling to support anything less than a "significant sentence" to "deter" government employees or contractors from "using positions in the intelligence community for self-aggrandizement." In other words, if you tell the public the truth about your government's crimes, you...

Nearly two decades ago, the Central Intelligence Agency began its sadistic program of torture and abuse [Counterpunch]

"Nearly two decades ago, the Central Intelligence Agency began its sadistic program of torture and abuse, and the Department of Defense created a prison at Guantanamo to evade U.S. law. We are still learning about the horrors of the Global War on Terror. On July 16, military prosecutors finally asked to erase information obtained through torture and abuse. Several days later, the Biden administration transferred its first detainee out of Gitmo, repatriating a Moroccan man who had been cleared for release five years ago. These two items provide an opportunity to document the inadequacy and the errors of the mainstream media’s coverage of CIA’s unconscionable crimes."

US ‘rules-based intl order’ is ‘law of the jungle' to contain others: Chinese vice FM tells US envoy [Global Times]

If CPC Politburo member Yang Jieci served an appetizer at the Alaska Talks with Blinker, then Vice Foreign Minster Xie brought out the main dish at his meeting with the US Deputy Secretary of State in Tianjin. Taking off the velvet kids gloves, Xie didn't pull his punches. Telling it like it is or should be.  Some of the sucker punches : // The so-called "rules-based international order" put forward by the US is a disguise that packages rules set up by a few Western countries. It is the US version of the "law of the jungle" where it abandons the widely accepted international law and trample on the international system, so that it can profit and bully others. The US-claimed "competition, cooperation, and confrontation" policies are nothing but cover-ups for exerting pressure on China.   Confrontation and containment are the fundamentals, cooperation is for expedients, and competition is a trap of discourse. When the US needs China, cooperati...

The Truth We Must Face [Post Colonial Zimbabwe, South Africa And Rest of Africa] [ Dr. Noah Manyika]

Many of post-colonial Africa’s immense challenges are the result of inordinate faith placed in “historic” political settlements that formally ended colonial rule without solving critical structural problems and systemic inequities. A case in point is the Lancaster House Conference of 1979 which  ushered in majority rule in Zimbabwe but postponed the resolution of the land question to a time when neither the goodwill nor the financial wherewithal to do so could be mustered. Such postponements give politically astute populists who may or may not have the true interests of the people at heart the opportunity to become “champions” of the people’s cause. Unfortunately it is difficult in the euphoria of any populist movement to distinguish good leaders from bad ones, and the idea that we can only tell the difference when they assume high office has been tragic for Africa. Part of the difficulty of putting the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (Codesa) in the same bucket as the Lan...

US Fingerprints Are All Over The Assassination of The President of Haiti

US fingerprints all over this, including a link to the NED.  Something for Empire-lovers to compartmentalise and forget about, no doubt.  And the reason for it?  "Regime change."  What else? "As the investigation into Moïse’s murder unfolds, the U.S. appears to be preparing the groundwork to deploy troops to Haiti at the request of a figure whom it has spent decades grooming. According to The New York Times, Claude Joseph, who is in a struggle against Dr. Ariel Henry to head the Haitian state in the wake of Moïse’s assassination, requested the U.S. send military forces to guard key infrastructure, including the port, airport, and gasoline reserves. White House Spokeswoman Jen Psaki announced that the U.S. would reinforce U.S. personnel in Haiti with FBI and DHS deployments." Source Article: Colombian assassin trained by the U.S. While the Haitian-Americans reportedly served as translators, the muscle of the assassination squad came from Colombia, the U.S...

Africa is more indebted to western countries than China [Gerald Mbanda]

|| In 2019, the Africa development bank (AfDB) estimates showed that the continent needed a minimum of US$ 130bn to US$ 170bn per annum, for infrastructure development and half of the needed amount remained un funded. According to CARI statistics, the biggest African borrowers from China in 2019, were; Ghana, US$ 1.25 Billion, South Africa, US$ 1.24 Billion, Egypt US$ 1.2Billion, Ivory Coast US$671Million and Nigeria US$ 560million. Much of the Chinese loans to Africa go mainly to the transport sector especially in infrastructure development, power, mining, ICT, water, etc.   The China Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is much appreciated in many African countries for improving transportation and energy investment in Africa ||  #BRI #AfricaChina via Turin Ahmed Source Article:

A corporate, commodified Black History Month is taking hold. We can't let it [Malaika Jabali - The Guardian]

Interesting article on Exploitation of Blackness and Blacks Events By White Privilege.  Black History Month, the annual commemoration of Black history in the United States that  originated  with Carter G Woodson’s Negro History Week, is winding down. I have to admit, this year’s celebration is among the worst yet. Instead of providing a platform to explore the rich history of Black people in America, this month has been a billboard for commodified representations of Blackness. Commercializing holidays and co-opting Black culture are both standard practices in America. Like the pat Black Lives Matter virtue signalling last June, branded co-optation of Black history has been rampant. For some, this visibility may indicate that Black people have advanced. But what I see is an admission: powerful elected officials and corporations in the US resort to symbolism and token opportunities, because they’d rather not offer anything else. In a system that relies on exploi...

The Empire Depends On Psychological Compartmentalization [Caitlin Johnstone]

Listen to a reading of this article: Britain's High Court has  granted the US government  limited permission to appeal its extradition case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, meaning that the acclaimed journalist will continue to languish in prison for  exposing US war crimes  while the appeals process plays out.  If the western media were what it purports to be, every member of the public will be acutely aware of the fact that a journalist is being imprisoned by the most powerful government on earth for exposing inconvenient facts about its war machine. Because the western media are propaganda institutions designed to protect the powerful, this fact is far from the forefront of public attention. Most people are more aware of  the smears  about Assange being a Russian agent or a rapist than they are of his victimization by a tyrannical  assault on world press freedoms . Consortium News @Consortiumnews UK High Court Allows US to Appeal Ban o...

Thordarson's Fabrication: Another in Julian Assange Prosecution. [Counterpunch]

BREAKING NEWS.  "The US is appealing against a court decision in January not to extradite the WikiLeaks founder, but no date has been set." His legal team said on Wednesday that permission to appeal has been granted on a limited basis, allowing only “narrow, technical grounds”. The case is rotten to the core, and nothing that the US government can say about his future treatment is worth the paper it is written on. "The tyrannical, brutal cynicism of keeping Julian Assange in Belmarsh prison remains one of the more inglorious marks of the British legal system and, it should be said, its sponsors and colluders. Having won his case against extradition to the US, if only in deeply qualified terms, the UK keeps the WikiLeaks publisher banged up as the appeals process stutters. The case against Assange could have been thrown out under any number of grounds.  Unfortunately, the judgment halting his extradition to the US on 17 charges based on the Espionage Act and o...

New evidence confirms claims of murder and torture by Eswatini military and police[Swaziland] [Daily Maverick]

Warning: This story contains graphic images of torture, murder and injury. It may be upsetting for some people. The images are mostly not captioned; however, we have satisfied ourselves that these images are legitimate. The images were submitted by Eswatini residents who uploaded them to a common group shared by activists and civil society. They are self-explanatory. It is alleged that in recent weeks up to 60 people have been killed by members of the Royal Swazi Police Service and the Umbutfo Eswatini Defence Force (UEDF) in a vicious crackdown against protesters. There are also allegations of torture and of the abduction of pro-democracy activists and journalists in one of the world’s last absolute monarchies. In this context, Maverick Citizen is today publishing shocking video footage of incidents of police brutality and a murder. The video and photographs were taken mainly by citizen journalists and some of it has been made available on Facebook pages like Eswatini Live...

During slavery era in America, there were two kinds of slaves on the plantations

The "house-negro" During slavery era in America, there were two kinds of slaves on the plantations... The "house-negro" was a kind of slave who lived in the house with his slave master and 'loved the slave master more than the slave master loved himself'.  He wore good cloths given him, out of the master's old belongings. He ate better because he ate leftovers from his master's plates. He lived near the master, in the attic or back of the house but lived near his master. When the master got sick, he says ' what's up boss, we sick?' When the master's house caught fire, he would fight harder to quench the fire, more than his master would. When one of the slaves came to him and say 'let's run away. Separate.' He would say, 'man you are crazy. Where are we gonna get good cloths like this? Where are we gonna live in a house like this?' This slave was institutionalized. On the same plantation, there was the ...