
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Establishment Only Dislikes Trump Because He Puts An Ugly Face On The Empire ( Caitlin Johnstone)

Caitlin Johnstone Barack Obama has  given his perfunctory speech  about the Black Lives Matter protests taking place in America today, and it was every bit as full of pretty words and empty of actual substance as you’d expect from a president who spent eight years stagnating the progressive movement with empty hope narrative while advancing the same murderous oppressive agendas as his predecessors. The former president talked about chang e s that need to be made as though he wasn’t the most powerful politician in America for two full terms, praised the nation’s police officers saying “the vast majority” of them protect and serve the people, and encouraged them to continue making empty gestures of solidarity with the protesters to calm them down. “I want to acknowledge the folks in law enforcement that share the goals of re-imagining policing,” Obama said. “Because there are folks out there who took their oath to serve your communities to your countries [who] have a tough job, ...


HENRIETTA RUSHWAYA, a top Zanu PF official and President of the Zimbabwe Miners’ Federation was arrested on Monday 26th of October at Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport when she was about to board a flight to Dubai, after she failed to produce an export permit for 6kg of gold worth about US$330,000 that was found  in her hand luggage following suspicions by military intelligence and security personnel. Following court proceedings on Friday it became apparent that she was part of a large gold smuggling syndicate that involved the President and his family. The First Lady, Auxilia Mnangagwa was implicated in the shady smuggling syndicate during court proceedings.  Pres. ED Mnangagwa and Henrietta Rushwaya  The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has now confirmed the arrest of 6 more suspects in connection with the gold smuggling syndicate. The 6 individuals are Ali Mohamad, Gift Karanda, Stephen Chenjerai Tserayi, Raphios Mufandauya, Superintendent Shoko and...


Introduction On many occasions people have sent me an article titled “It’s Not Sanctions, It’s Corruption and Lack of Reform” penned by the US ambassador Brain Nichols on the 24th of October 2019. Those sending this article use it to advance the argument that the economic hardships in Zimbabwe are caused by corruption and not sanctions. So by deduction those of us fighting sanctions should abrogate our citizen duties of national defense and fight corruption. Unfortunately when this article came out, our media monitoring [ at ZUAUWS] never picked it up, as a result we never got to respond to this piece officially.   Nevertheless, two articles based on the same argument were then written by two media houses: Zimbabwe Online on the 14th of October 2019 and South Africa’s IOL on the 25th of November 2019 with the heading “Lifting Sanctions On Zimbabwe Won’t Solve Zimbabwe’s Woes”.  *It would seem that both articles used the same discredited arguments made by Brian Nichols as ...

What are Political Reforms and What They Would Mean For Zimbabwe: Hopewell Chin'ono

Sanctions have stopped Mnangagwa’s regime from flying around the world, and have had an effect on how Mnangagwa is engaged with by other governments. But guess what? There are ready made solutions to getting sanctions removed as I explain in this article! Many compatriots have been asking me what I mean by POLITICAL REFORMS and why they are important to the building of a new Zimbabwean economy. I have argued that without political reforms, we should forget about being Open for Business and about a new economic dawn on the horizon. In the past I have responded to social media messages on twitter and Facebook asking what I meant by political reforms. Today I have decided to write this article after one of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s advisors, Busisa Moyo, asked me to explain what is entailed in these political reforms! I don’t think that Busisa doesn’t know, I think that he simply wanted to see whether I understood what they are doing and whether my understanding of politi...

Webinar: The Trial of Julian #Assange on 15 October 2020

 Join the panel: Roger Waters, Ray McGovern and Miko Peled on Thursday, 15 October, 2020, to discuss The Trial of Julian Assange -- the 'trial' that will decide whether Julian gets justice and if free journalism and free dissent can survive.   Click for details below: Webinar : The Trial of Julian Assange

The Anti China Narrative Enveloping Africa: I disagree with Professor Lumumba's anti China rhetoric.

The Anti China Narrative in Africa, I disagree with Prof Lumumba.  I reiterate that Africa is better off extending relations with China than allowing the US expanding its already bloated military operations in Africa. I disagree with Prof. LUMUMBA's portrayal of China as a significant existential threat to the emancipation of Africa. What Africa needs is a new breed of incorruptible leadership with a vision greater than Africans being second class citizens on their continent or anywhere in the world. America remains the largest country with the largest  influence and more military bases in Africa. The only reason why the West is renewing its interest in Africa is because of the presence of the Chinese. The Chinese Belt Road Initiative is bringing economic development never seen in Africa or parts of the Middle East since the  independence era. Westerners were quite comfortable with the status quo of Africa being a looting ground for their corporations. There has been abso...